Who let the dogs Vote
Woof, woof, woof, woof, woof
Woof, woof, woof, woof, woof
Lycurgus, having procured two dogs of the same breed, brought them up in an entirely different manner; treating one as a petted spaniel, and the other as a sporting dog. When the animals had been thoroughly trained, he took them to the public square of Sparta, and placed before them a dish of Savory meat, whilst at the same time he let loose a hare.
The dog which had been treated as a pet at once fastened upon the dish, whilst the other pursued the hare, which, after an exciting chase, was captured and brought to its master, amidst the applause of the spectators, to whom Lycurgus said:
“These two dogs are
precisely of the same breed, and yet, you perceive how dissimilar they have
been rendered by education!”
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